
Showing posts from August, 2018

Feminism Changed Its Face

At 13 years old, I didn’t identify with being a girl; in fact if there was a questionnaire to fill out which demanded to know gender, I would write ‘tomboy’ firmly in bold letters, as though it were a sex in itself.  The very thought of being consigned to the insipid club of girlishness filled me with horror.  I identified girls with being weak, because of the messages I was receiving from all around me –peers, schoolmates, family, and society as a whole.  It was the 80’s, and if you re-watch one of the popular movies of the day, the way women were portrayed then was notably different to now – always screaming, laying on their back or being pulled by the hand from some disaster or another.  It seemed to me that girls were seen as less important and less worthy of attention or being taken seriously.  At times I was actually angry I was one… “You’re not…well you know…’funny’ are you?” questioned one woman.  What I think she meant was ‘Are you gay?’ or maybe she meant transgend