
Showing posts from February, 2018

Meetings - Time To Dump The Ego Battles

“Excuse me!  I wasn’t done speaking,” came the plaintive voice across the meeting table, accompanied by the accusatory glower from offended eyes. Admittedly I did interject, and not for the first time that day, but in my defense the woman had been talking for five minutes straight, trampling over any efforts of her colleagues to help her, and was off-topic and misguided in her understanding. It was time to get the meeting back on track, or it would be off the rails; unproductive and timed-out. Function as part of the collective - As with many other facets of life, in business meetings many people have learnt to assert their rights but at the same time have not accepted their responsibilities.  Generally speaking, one’s responsibility in a meeting is to remember at all times each person is there to serve the whole.  We are all there to talk about actions and deliverables – it’s not a personal proving ground.  Focus on the things , not the ‘I’ . It’s not all about you, so l